Saturday, September 27, 2008

Knowing My Beliefs (First Post)

Friends, Countryman, Aliens, Galactic Aliens Watching Above, Lend me your time,

For today, and from now on you will be able to witness my writing and ramblings. Yes, I have put together and rendered a blog on The fact that I have been reading them on normal google searches and even commenting back on some made me believe it was time to start writing some propaganda of my own. I feel it will be a great way to improve on my writing, and blow off some steam, or rant, about the normal burblings of my being.

Now that the introduction is off my chest, let us move onto a religous take of my beliefs. Not to scare you, but more to make sure you understand who I am. Those who wish to save my soul please wait in line. I'll be with you as soon as the elevator starts accending.

Jesus, I love you, but not for what most christians would believe. I love the stories in the bible and believe you existed in a time. I believe you touched many people and that you were great in knowledge and experiance. I believe you did what you thought was right and even if I could make people believe that my death would forgive their shames and make others a better person, I would probably take that, especially if I was already nearing the road to death to begin with.

However, I do not completely believe every thing in the bible is to a 'T'. There are many people who have read edited and rewritten the bible in such a way that they did not represent the word of god as a being almighty could. I feel that the bible is more of a system of survival that has been worshipped beyond it's first intention.

Therefore, my beliefs are quite different though much alike those of christian followers. I call it a for of Agnosticism. Though agnostic in definition is: "1: a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience (", I do have some base for my beliefs and single source of greater power exists. If I'm wrong, I have nothing to loose. If other powers exist, I must repent when I find I'm wrong, or just go to hell depending. However, if I'm right, none of us are in any real danger other than from ourselves.

Afterall, if you were GOD, what would you do for fun? Perfect or not I would be, mind you I am a small ant in comparison, bored. I would have all the answers. Ultimate power for the first 10 seconds might be nice as a human, but then y0u'd get bored as well. Being a God you would be able to do anything know the outcome before hand and then be able to change what you wish. Even furthermore, you have eternity that you must endure. Weather in nothingness or in something. Your existence would be a creation of the universe and without the universe you would not exist, although it might be a great void of nothing or something that existed. God's existence 101: absolute nothing exists. Then something has to exist. If something exists in order for nothing to exist then an operator is needed. Operation is the basis of all power(^) and the ability to create(+) and destroy(-). it also is holding all the answers. So, God, a being of creation is nothing more than a flux in the universe we call an operation.

What? God is nothing more than + - * / ^ - = ? Why not? It makes perfect since. The balance of all equations must exist as defined. Alright, mind blower I know, but that's my opinion. I have a right to my beliefs.

Now for the fun part; Why are we here? We are here to experiance and obtain information and bring that back to source. We are objects much like in a program designed to do what we want. Free will. However, there is a catch. In order for our almighty God to not get bored he wanted to experiance every experiance possible first hand. So, after all the creation of the mineral items of the world, he put himself into all the living things. Just a small sliver. So, when you return, for we all know we must eventually, he has first hand experiance of everything. He has the pain the sorrow the bad the good.

If that's so why bother praying? Prayers are nothing more than another equation for God to balance. If enough people believe in something strong enough the scale tips that way. Eventually your prayers may be met. To some that can be a miracle. To others it's just luck. Remember for every miracle you hear about though, some poor living thing has suffered through the same ordeal with the opposite outcome.

What about the devil? For every good deed there must be a bad deed as well. Weather minor or smaller. The great scale of our God almighty who does evil acts against non-believers and cherishs the ones that do. The devil is just the blame we give when the equation is not in our favor.

In conclusion, Gods existence is a must, a necessity for nothing to exist. He created a world of endless possibilities to be able to experiance life. God could be a He a She but more like an it. God is an operator holding all the values and answers. We ourselves are like Gods, just as the good book states, we can move mountians if we believe we can. I just feel sorry for the people on the other side that suffer the consiquences.

That all makes me feel like I'm worthless... I would find it refeshing, the power inside yourself to do the best you possibly can and move on with life fills me. I am here for the experiance of life itself, to take the bad, with the good and become a soul again within my God. I have the free will and power to either try and defy almighty, or accept things.

-The Rob