Friday, October 16, 2009

The New Health Plan

I do not see any reason to reform our current system. Every government system we allow that has to do with funds is manipulated to show the money where they want it, and not show it where they can ask for it. For the most part, even the people we vote into power do not plan the budgeting. Committees do the handling and planning whether someone wants it to happen or not.

I was talking to my grandma about this. She was telling me how, when she was younger, and they created the social security system they figured it out that no matter what there would be enough money for everyone as long as no one touched the pot. Then the government found other ways to dip their hands into that pot, because they could not stand all that money sitting there that they could not touch. So, they found ways to pull it out that the majority of us felt was a "good cause" because they said there was plenty enough. Now, it's said to be running out.

If I am forced to carry health care, I don't know in my current situation how I am going to afford it. If the government decides to give me coverage, then why not just increase the current government medical coverage range. I know for a fact, even if I don't have coverage there are low income avenues in place to decrease the amount I have to pay. Bottom line is chances are, if you are below the poverty line you are going to owe a variety of companies anyway. The only real chances you have is, education and slowly rising into a better position, or maybe winning the lottery, or coming up a great business idea that quickly makes a fortune.

1 comment:

devourer of egos said...

Are you saying that the "current" system (the system before the new laws took and will take effect) is adequate? While I may agree that forcing people who can't afford it to buy outrageously expensive health-care plans is wrong, with all the people who are uninsured either going without health care or costing us billions more than we should be paying to get them taken care of, I can't see things as they are as being adequate.